Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday I: Thorns and Chi-Rho

I took this photo to capture the crown of thorns on the cross as a close up. I inadvertently also captured the Chi-Rho on the ceiling of the chancel. So there it is: Jesus' crown of thorns and a word about his title, "Messiah" (Christos in Greek, the first two letters of which form the Chi (X) and the Rho (P)).

Other common inscriptions on crosses are INRI: _J_esus of _N_azareth, _K_ing of the _J_ews (in Latin, of course) and IHS, the first three letters of "Jesus."

My favorite, of course, is the inscription on many stamps used to mark the bread of the Eucharist: IC XC + NIKA. IC: the first and last letters of "Jesus." XC: the first and last letters of Christos, Christ. NIKA: "conquers."

"What I have written, I have written."

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