Friday, October 12, 2012

Moving Day (for the Blog)

I have finally moved this blog to I hope you'll join me there, either as a subscriber or an occasional reader. New posts will appear on that site.

My hope is to add content to this new platform and integrate some already existing content, such as my sermons podcast.

Sometime in early January 2013, this blog address will be shut down.

Special thanks to Michael Hyatt for his screencast "How to Launch a Self-Hosted WordPress Blog in 20 Minutes or Less" and his book Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, which I just finished.

See you at!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Go Joyfully About Your Work

Then go joyfully about your work.

That is how Martin Luther ends his instructions for Morning Prayer in his Small Catechism. For me, this is both a challenge and an invitation.

It is a challenge to bring joy to aspects of my work that seem, well, mundane.

But it is also an invitation to see the work I have been given for the day as God's work, as holy work, as meaningful work.

Say your prayers and then go joyfully about your work.

How does this challenge and inspire you today?