Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's What's for Dinner

Scripture: It's what's for dinner. And lunch. And breakfast. And snack.

One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord (Deuteronomy 8:3b).

This is the table prayer we are using for all our meals during Lent this year. Its frequent repetition has forced me to consider my own practice of eating, chewing and digesting the Scriptures (distinct but related acts, by the way).

The more I pray about eating the Scriptures, the hungrier I get for them. (It's one thing in Lent we don't need to fast from.)

Sometimes it's a full course meal. Mine is usually for breakfast. But I'm also intrigued by the "snack" approach. My children love snacks. There's the snack before breakfast, the snack after breakfast, the snack right after lunch, the late afternoon snack, the before-dinner snack, the five-minutes-after-dinner snack, and then the obligatory bedtime snack.

Nutritionist say they are on to something: Regular snacking actually facilitates good digestion and overall health.

Before you head out the door, make sure you pack your Scripture snack.
